Our approach in cherries
As the average annual production of cherries in Greece is growing rapidly, it was an obligation for our company to develop in this sector, in order to strengthen the export character of the product.
As a result, our cooperating producers were certified according to the Global Gap (+ GRASP) standard, with the company being by their side throughout the cultivation and harvest period.
In addition, our company proceeded to the construction of a new infrastructure for this specific product as well as to the installation of a state-of-the-art electronic line, which enables the sorting of fruits by weight, color, internal and external quality to the absolute degree.
In this way, our company manages to export high quality cherries to the international markets and win the interest and preference of the consumers.
The most known varieties for export are: Satin, Samba, Larian, Crystalina, Early Bigi, Grace Star, Black Star, Big Star, Lapins, Ferovia, Skenna, Germensdorfer, Regina, Kordia, Sweet Heart.